Reporting the cyber crime in India with just an e-mail

" Yesterday only, I received a call on my mobile device from an unknown number. The anonymous caller presented himself as some bank officer who was in immediate need of my ATM card number and CVV". After politely informing him that I’m a law student, I did disconnect the call.

"Well, not a new thing. Such happenings are way too common in our friend circle, family friends, and even ourselves and our parents. Law knowing persons including law professors, practitioners, and law students regularly receive phishing attempts, impersonating calls and emails on their electronic devices. What’s worse is that they choose to ignore such happenings.

Thanks to the recent legal developments in the Indian legal system, we can report such incidents just by dropping an email or reporting it to the local cyber cell.

What to report

Any cybercrime can be reported following the undermentioned steps. Whether a person is asking for your secret information or someone threatening you over Facebook, whether someone hate-texting you on Twitter or sending you sexually inappropriate messages on Whatsapp, you can (and must) report the incident by following the undermentioned steps. For a rough idea regarding the ambit of the term ‘cybercrime’, it includes any illegal act that involves the usage of a computer or networking device. Read more here.

Where to report

Cyber crimes have global jurisdiction according to the IT legislation and therefore a complaint can be lodged in any cyber cell as per convenience.

How to report

First, you have to write an application addressing to the head of the cyber crime cell (head of the particular cyber crime cell to which you chose to report).

Note – Your application should include the following details:



E-mail address

Phone number

Second, attach the relevant and required documents. The type of documents required vary from offence to offence. For example, in case of hacking, you need to provide documents like logs of the server, a copy of the defected page, a copy of the original page, control mechanism details, list of suspects etc. In case of an impersonating call or message, the required documents include such call/message log, sender/caller details, impersonating details etc. Broadly speaking, attach any document that proves the existence of a prima facie case.

Third, send the email (along with the attached documents) to the concerned cyber crime cell .



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